Rules for the Use of the Plas Heli Crane:
Please read this page.
The crane is for the use of sport boat or trailer sailor 'dry berth contract holders only'. The weight limit for the crane is 3.0 tonnes. All strops/slings used on the crane must have a valid strop test certificate; on no account should the crane be operated with strops/slings that are not correctly tested and approved. Plas Heli has sets of strops and slings which have been correctly certified.
The crane can only be operated by Plas Heli authorised representatives who have attended and passed appropriate training sessions; operation is at their own risk. A list of qualified users will be kept by Plas Heli, only those customers will be allowed to use the crane.
Every use of the crane must be recorded on the on-line form below.
Other customers can book the use of the crane by using the on-line form, but may not operate the crane.
The Crane key will be held by Plas Heli and only given to authorised and qualified users. It will be issued to authorised users upon application on-line and must be returned immediately after the launch or lift; any damage or loss will be the liability of the person to whom the key was issued.
Other than the authorised user all other persons must keep clear whilst the crane is in operation. Other persons are not insured to use the crane.
Under no circumstances must anyone work underneath a boat secured only by the sling or strops. The boat must be propped to prevent injury should the sling or strop fail.
Boats must not be left unattended underneath the crane ashore or afloat and must follow the directions and instructions provided by Plas Heli or its authorised agent.
Plas Heli has a power washer for the use of customers. This must be booked with the Plas Heli.
Boats must be keep in the allocated space, and the empty trailer must be returned to that same allocated space whilst the boat is afloat. The Trailer must be marked with the boat/owner’s name. Boats must not be left parked under the Crane. Unauthorised boats and trailers may be removed or immobilised and payment for storage, on a weekly basis, will be charged.
This crane is inspected and tested in accordance with LOLER. Records are available from
All use of the crane must be booked in advanced on-line - use the QR code below.
The use of the crane is only available to Plas Heli customers who have received training from a person nominated by Plas Heli as competetent. Once trained their names will be entered on the register detailing the type of lifting they have been trained and insured to use the crane. All 'dry berth contract holders' wishing to use the crane will attend a crane handling training session at the beginning of the season, prior to occupying their berth. Failure to do so will result in them not being able to use the facility.
Training will be provided for the lifting method suitable for your boat. Lifting techniques other than those you have been trained for must not be attempted without further training. and being recorded on the crane users register.
No person under the age of 18 are allowed to receive training or use of the crane.
The Crane displayes a safe working load of S.W.L. of 3.0 Tonnes at maximum outward travel. This must not be exceeded.
The Crane must not be used for the lifting of persons, persons on objects, or operated while persons are on vessels that are being lifted.
Loads must not be transported over objects in the crane area.
The area of the crane and its radius must be kept clear at all times the crane is in use.
The marked out operating area for the crane must be observed as a 'no access area' for persons other than those nominated by the operator of the crane, and are assisting in the lifting operation.
The trained person must be the operator of the crane and is responsible for the lifting operation, and that person must ensure that the rules of the crane are observed.
Persons must not be under a suspended load and where access is required the load must be stationary and at gentle rest on a trailer or on the blocks supplied at the crane area.
Whilst a load is at rest, for the purpose of being under the load, it must be tethered to the supplied floor strong points to prevent movement or while a vessel is at rest on a trailer it must be supported by trailer leg supports.
Vessels and loads must have control lines attached at either end and of sufficient length so that the manoeuvring of the load can be controlled during the lifting operation.
Lifts must only be carried out by utilising the main block hook and be in a vertical plane.
Personally owned accessory lifting equipment such as strops and shackles may only be used if they are in certification and are itemised on the Plas Heli lifting strop and rigging register. They must be submitted for inspection 10 days prior to usage. They should only be chain strops and inspected prior to use.
Certified Plas Heli owned lifting strops must be used for any lift where certification of personal lifting accessories is on the Plas Heli lifting strop and rigging gear register.
If you require your boat to be launched or recovered, please book the service on line with the QR code.
Sport Boat and Trailer Sailor Dry Berth contract holders are entitled to unlimited use of the crane, provided that the person in charge of the boat is trained qualified and authorised by Plas Heli to use the crane.
User Guide for J70
Sport Boat Launching - best practice J70
Preparation - boat
1. Undo backstay and lash tightly to the mast, compressing the flicker.
2. Drop boom onto sidedeckand lash main halyard to mast.
3. Ensure outboard and equipment below.
4. Trailer should be reversed in with the transom to the south.
Preparation - Hoist
1. Unclip chains from railings to allow the keel to pass through.
2. Ensure trailer is chocked or has brakes on.
Minimum Personnel
Crane operator and two people to take bow line and stern line, who must keep the boat at 90 degrees to the crane jib.
Although a centre point lift, the boat needs to be slightly bows down and needs some equipment in the bows to counter the heavy rudder.
It’s helpful to hoist with the engine stowed below, and not on the transom for balance.
Lift points each side of the keel plate - do not lift on the keel ring.
Attach shackles and ensure tight - sling must be approved.
Ensure the aft balance rope is attached to the back stay transom fittings - it’s essential the rope length is xxxxx. This ensures the boat will lift bows down to keep the mast clear of the crane jib.
As the boat lifts it will try to move forward as the stern lifts first - keep the trailer brakes on and best practice is to lower the rear supports
Once the boat is clear of the trailer, it can be pulled clear of the crane area.
As the crane swings towards the harbour, ensure the boat is kept at 90 degrees to the crane jib, to keep the spreaders clear. As the boat approaches the railings, the keel will pass through the gap where the chains have been un-clipped.
Once over the water, and lined up with the pontoon, the boat is still at 90 degrees, but the bows are now facing south.
At low water, take care the back stay flicker clears the Crane jib.
Golden rules
> Keep the boat at 90 degrees to the crane jib.
> Its easier to launch with the tide above 1-2m
> Ensure aft transom pivot ropes are fitted.
> Ensure lift is bow down to keep mast clear of the crane jib
When recovering. Push trailer under the boat – don’t be tempted to lower onto the boat!
Brakes on as the bows down angle will try to push the trailer. Small corrections easiest by moving the trailer.

This document is being prepared and further updates are expected shortly.
Please read and note that all berthing agreements are subject to these 'Terms and Conditions', 'Fair and Acceptable Use Policy' and the 'Data Protection Policy'
These berths are limited in number and will be allocated on a first come basis.
Please note, in particular, that you must have a minimum third party insurance of £3,000,000.
We also point out the following
- The shore facilities in Plas Heli are only available during the usual opening hours.
- There are electric hook-up points on the Plas Heli pontoons and we have a with or without electricity charging rate or a new pay as you use system.
- The secure access gate is operated by entering a security number on the key pad entry system. Berth holders will be provided with the access code.
- All Plas Heli berth holders have free parking on Cei Yr Heli (the quayside) parking area and will be provided with the barrier access code.
- Customers can apply for a 'Boat Specific Code' which will open both the pontoon gate and the barrier (so only one code to remember).
- Please make sure the gate is locked at all times.
- All Plas Heli berth holders have free use of the Plas Heli showers and toilet facilities including the ‘Out of Hours’ toilets and shower facility at Plas Heli on payment of £10 deposit for the key. This facility is exclusive for Plas Heli Berth holders and Plas Heli motor home users.
- Berth holders should satisfy themselves that they have taken all reasonable precautions against theft or damage.
- Neither Plas Heli, Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club, Cyngor Gwynedd Council, Hafan Marina nor their staff, subcontractors, volunteers or agents are responsible for berth holders vessels in any way whatsoever while berthed on Plas Heli pontoons or stored ashore.
- Environmental Code of Conduct – all berth holders must comply with the Hafan’s Environmental Code of Conduct (see Hafan handbook).
This page is being updated - call back again for the 'Sports Boat Package' and the 'Crane Protocol'.