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Plas Heli

The Welsh National Sailing Academy and Events Centre

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The impressive Academy site has dedicated parking areas, secure events compounds with direct access to the building, pontoons and the safe beach launching area.

The balconies offer an elevated vantage point to watch the launching of dinghy classes and perfect for an outdoor barbeque.


Plas Heli Site Plan 2023 Annoted


A - Road from the town - Arrive B - Emergency exit from Cei Heli (quayside) C - Access to Plas Heli Pontoons D - Plas Heli Pontoons
 E - Cei Heli and Plas Heli Crane (quayside)  F - Caban Heli (opld club building)  G - Hafan Marina Office  H - Bridge access to Marina
 I - Hafan Marina Customer Parking  J - Road and path to Chandelties K - Hafan Customer Overflow Parking and boat store  L - Main Entrance for Events
 M - Motore homes and Caravans N - Plas Heli Compound and Storage Hub  O1- Tents Area  O2 - Tents
 P1 - Acadamy and CHPSC Parking and Main Fire Evacuation Muster Point  P2 - Event Parking P3 - Public Beach Parking  Q - Customer Boat Storage

 R - Dinghy / Boat Park Event Area

 S - Academy Building, The home of CHPSC and Bar and Restaurant.  T - Dunes and Beach  U - access to Public Parking and height restriction
 V - Plas Heli Service Road and Emergency evacuation Route for Beach  W - Access to Beach  X - Beach Launching Area  

______ Clear Pathways



PlasHeliTeritoryThe PlasHeli Territory





Quick Links to Plas Heli - Facilities

| Pontoons - Berths at Plas Heli | Camping at Plas Heli | Room Hire at Plas Heli | Other Facilities | Bar and Catering |

Plas Heli Cyf is a Community Enterprise, Not for Profit Distribution Company

Contact Information

At Phone Sign Meaning Contact Web And MobilePlas Heli Cyf. Glan y Don, Pwllheli, Gwynedd LL53 5YT

Catering and Bar:        01758 614 442
(only catering enquiries to this telephone number please)

Please note the office is not manned and your enquiries would be attended to more efficiently if you send an e-mail to the appropriate department - please use the appropriate link from the 'contact us' here

Company Registration No. 08082514
VAT No. GB 164061430